16 Oct 18-Minute Home Workout to Burn Max Calories
Test your “grit” with this quick, do-anywhere workout that burns tons of calories in minimal time.
We all have time for a quickie — workout that is. And this one, based on the Les Mills Grit programming, can be done anywhere, anytime. “This workout burns max calories in minimal time and is scalable for different fitness levels,” says Nikki Snow, NASM-CPT, Les Mills international presenter and Reebok-sponsored athlete — who also happens to be modeling these moves! “It’s also multidirectional, so it improves athleticism — no equipment required.”
Oxygen’s 18-Minute Workout for Women

Ladder Run/High-Knee Run
Stay on the balls of your feet and keep your chest lifted as you move your feet out-out-in-in for eight reps while traveling forward. Return to the start with a high-knee run, lifting your legs in front of you to hip height for eight reps.
Snow says: This move is light and quick, so stay on the balls of your feet to achieve maximum speed.

Block Jump (forward and back)
Keep your feet underneath you as you step forward — right foot and then left foot — and jump straight up, as if trying to block a basketball shot. Land softly and move backward using the same two-step pattern and jump.
Snow says: Keep your feet hip-width apart and your knees super soft when landing to help you move with speed and efficiency.

Half Burpee
Start in plank with your hands underneath your shoulders and your head, hips and heels aligned. Jump your feet underneath you and outside your hands and lift your chest as you lower your hips into a squat. Jump your feet back into plank.
Snow says: To transition with power, lift your chest quickly and brace your abs. This will help whip your legs underneath you.

Air Tap Squat Jump
Stand with your feet outside shoulder width, chest lifted, arms at your sides. Bend your knees and push your hips back and then explode upward, swinging your arms overhead. Bring your legs together underneath you at the apex of your jump, then open them again to land in that wide squat stance.
Snow says: Use your legs and your arms to gain height and power in each jump. Go for max height rather than speed.

Lateral Shuffle
Staying low with your arms in an athletic, ready position, shuffle laterally four times to each side. Keep your hips and shoulders square to the front and your abs braced throughout.
Snow says: Push your hips back and drive off your back leg to change direction quickly.
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