The Brutally High-Rep Chest and Triceps Workout

The Brutally High-Rep Chest and Triceps Workout

Chest Press
Matthew Leete

With summer weather still persisting, getting your arms and chest primed for the beach is a top priority. So how does one get their upper body big and ripped for the skin-revealing occasions that the warm weather brings?

The answer is simple: Giant sets and lots of reps. This kind of workout not only helps to build lean muscle, but also burns big-time fat thanks to the aerobic element. As a result, you won’t have to do much cardio if you’re able to knock out all the reps in this upper body blasting routine.

The chest and triceps’ workout below is one that will get you on your way towards a chiseled, muscular body. I pre-exhaust the secondary muscle, so that when I hit a chest exercise it really works the primary muscle group.

The amount of weight indicated for the incline press below is what I currently use. Whatever weight you choose to go with, be sure it’s one that will allow you to maintain good form throughout the entire set.

Circuit 1

  1. Close-grip triceps pushups on Bosu Ball, flat side up (1 minute)
  2. Triceps kickbacks with a resistance band (2 minutes)
  3. Seated Hammer Strength incline press
    • *First 2 sets on Hammer Strength incline press are 40 reps at 160 lb. Last set is a drop set:
    • 10 x 250 lbs.
      20 x 160 lbs.
      30 x 70 lbs. 
  4. Wide grip push-ups on Bosu ball (1 minute)
  5. Over head tricep extensions with resistance band (1 minute)

Complete three rounds of exercises 1 through 5 as a circuit.

Circuit 2

  1. Seated tricep pulldowns (50 reps each side)
  2. Decline push-ups on a fitball, legs resting on a slightly higher platform (1 minute)
  3. Tricep bench dips  (2 minutes)

Complete two rounds of the exercises as a circuit.

When I finished this circuit, my triceps were dead—I hardly had the strength to hold myself stable and upright in a push-up position. Because my triceps were so fatigued, I was forced to focus on my chest. Give it a go. I guarantee it will give you a great workout.


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