Eddie Hall Helped This Man Lose 30 Pounds in Six Weeks

Eddie Hall Helped This Man Lose 30 Pounds in Six Weeks

Former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall knows a thing or two about body transformations, having gone through quite a few himself. Now, “The Beast” is looking to use his years of experience in the gym to transform the lives of others.

In the first episode of Beasted, a Facebook show focused on helping people achieve the body of their dreams, overweight Briton Sam Parcell lost 13 kilos (28 pounds) in just six weeks thanks to training and nutrition advice from Hall and his team.

Check out the transformation video here:

Sam said he wanted to get “Beasted” because he was on the same track his father was before he died of a heart attack at a young age. “I was watching myself, and seeing myself become everything I said I would never ever do,” he says in the video. “It was vital that I did something like this.”

From the very beginning, Hall was optimistic that Sam would accomplish his goal. “I feel as though Sam is going to go in and put the work in,” he says. “I think he’s going to look absolutely phenomenal.”

And that he did — Sam managed to lose close to 30 pounds in six weeks, and got much stronger thanks to his training. Before his training, he could only do five shoulder presses with 32.5kg (71-pound) dumbbells. At the end of the six weeks, he did 18 reps with 30kg (66-pound) dumbbells.

Sam’s wife, Amelia, said he’s tried weight-loss strategies before, but none worked quite as well as this. “I’d say this is probably the best one in terms of getting results,” she said.

There will be at least seven more episodes of Beasted uploaded to Facebook in the coming weeks, and we look forward to seeing other transformations just like Sam’s.


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