America’s Fittest Couple Challenge 3: Getting Started

America’s Fittest Couple Challenge 3: Getting Started

Lisa and Tony Zappa kick off the Challenge with strength, motivation — and lots of meal prep!

AFCC3 participants, Lisa and Tony.

Well, the fun has begun! We’re loving the intensity and challenge of these workouts by Hannah Eden and Paulo Barreto. We’re also really enjoying the variety of food Alexa Uherek has put together for us. We have absolutely loved every recipe so far!

I think it’s safe to say that we have already made hundreds of virtual friends through our Facebook group! We’ve met so many people from all walks of life, including a couple of crazy mountain climbers. We’re meeting people from every level of fitness, including personal trainers, athletes and just people who love to or are learning to work out. They all are bringing great energy to the group. There are also people from all over the world from Canada to Australia! AFCC3 isn’t just for us here in America.

It’s been so great to see all the bonding taking place between family members, too. So many parents with their children and of course spouses, partners and best friends. I know some of the members have had their partners drop off, but they are still bringing their A game and not giving up. That in itself is so inspiring! Everyone has been so supportive, and it’s been a lot of fun watching everyone post their scores and times. We even have some friendly competition between us, which has spiced it up!

Tony and I, along with several of our family members, have already started to see the pounds melt away. It’s amazing what happens to your body when you truly shift focus and really hone in on your nutrition and put your all into each workout. Talk about motivation to keep the momentum going! We can’t wait to go home to Idaho for Christmas and see Tony’s sisters, their spouses and his nephew who are all doing the Challenge with us. It’s going to be great to see how much we can all lean out by then!

Tony and Lisa meal prepping.

Meal prepping is absolutely key! We’ll be the first to say it can definitely be time-consuming to cook all in one day, but the reward is so beyond worth it. Bonus: You don’t have to cook at all the rest of the week! That’s one thing we hear from everyone. It’s so great to spend less time in the kitchen and more time with family throughout the week. And it’s all healthy fuel, people! As we’ve mentioned before, with Tony traveling for work, we sometimes have to prep more than just a week for him. That does take a lot of extra time, but he can travel knowing he’s still able to stick to the plan.

The workouts have been extreme and really enjoyable. We love that Hannah and Paulo decided to do follow-along videos, so we feel like we’re working out alongside them — not to mention how hilarious they are! I’m pretty sure we spent the first video laughing the whole time. They have the best dynamic and really make the workouts fun. They really are human just like us! They sweat their butts off just as much as we do, which makes us feel a heck of a lot better! LOL.

We are so pumped to keep up the momentum and see where this challenge takes us each and every week. Let’s do this!

It’s only 60 days of our lives. NO EXCUSES!!! 

With the America’s Fittest Couple Challenge 3, Hannah Eden and Paulo Barreto will bring you and your partner their unique brand of training — PumpFit — to transform your bodies and minds and get you into the best shape of your lives. Sign up today!

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