
As we head into midsummer, we’re already enjoying the first early harvests. This summer ratatouille is the perfect choice for showcasing and enjoying the very best of the summer season’s produce. Whether you’re serving it as a savory vegan and vegetarian main course or as a generous side dish for some backyard barbecue, this dish is...

Seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Hollywood big shot these days, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a fan of looking back at the less glamorous parts of his past. While bodybuilding enthusiasts constantly share photos of Arnold taking the stage during his Olympia reign, the Austrian Oak recently took it upon himself to...

EDGAR ARTIGA / M+F MagazineA great many lifters, when training back, spend a lot of their set equity on developing wide lats—everyone wants that great set of wings. But what often gets lost in this equation is the quest for back thickness—that deep, grainy, dense back that is the hallmark of so many great physiques....

Research of the Week Agriculture (and increased availability of carbohydrates) increased the frequency of genes controlling blood sugar. People with the ancestral version of the gene have an easier time maintaining blood sugar while fasting but tend to have more trouble controlling blood sugar after carb consumption. For the first time ever, scientists directly observe the transfer...

For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering three questions. First, why did I leave out soy sauce from the Primal Kitchen® No Soy Teriyaki Sauce? Second, what slackline do I recommend beginners buy? And third, is keto safe for people with type 2 diabetes? Let’s find out: Hey Mark, How come you didn’t use soy sauce in the...

Just two months ago, reigning Mr. O Shawn Rhoden was making headlines in the bodybuilding world for looking, shall we say, a little hefty at the Pittsburgh Pro. His guest posing appearance disappointed fans and fellow bodybuilders, and he apologized for the out-of-shape showing in a lengthy Instagram caption. Some questioned Flexatron’s ability to get into Olympia...