
A good keto diet is about healthy whole foods, but now and then life calls for something special. Birthday cake is one. While not everyone who goes Primal or keto chooses to bake traditional treats, some do. And for those who do, it’s nice to have a lower carb version to enjoy. This cake recipe uses...

Research of the Week Researchers find 120,000-year old evidence of starchy tuber consumption. General intelligence in orangutans. Ravens feel bad when their friends feel bad. Two things that recent research suggests is good for multiple sclerosis patients: red meat and keto. Habitual coffee consumption may reduce all-cause mortality by improving resting heart rate. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 344: Endurance: Brad’s Tough...

At more than 250 pounds, Alana Wylie-Reeves found herself uncomfortable, frustrated, and immobile. The biggest obstacle she faced in her efforts toward better movement and health? A deep-seated aversion to change. Here’s how she found the resilience to embrace discomfort — and lose more than 60 pounds in the process. ++++ Two years ago, Alana Wylie-Reeves couldn’t...

When you stop to think about it, mushrooms are remarkable. They’re closer to animals than plants on the tree of life. They can break down plastic and petroleum. The single largest organism on the planet is an underground honey fungus spanning almost 3 miles in the the state of Oregon. They carry messages along their underground fungal networks using...