
This awesome dairy-free fat-burning ice cream recipe is easy to make at home with just a few ingredients and a cheap ice cream maker. Cool and creamy, with just enough dark chocolate to soothe the savage beast, mint chip ice cream is truly a dessert for all occasions, all ages, and every sweet craving.Powered by...

Feeling overworked and under-appreciated? Having trouble staying consistent with nutrition and fitness because of life’s demands? Wondering if you’ll ever be able to find time to achieve the body and health you want? This article is for you. Putting others’ needs before your own? For lots of women, it’s an everyday reality. Whether you’re a high-powered professional,...

Work stressing you out? Life in general? Having trouble staying consistent with your exercise and nutrition plan? If so, this article is for you. ++++ Why do most guys tend to get weaker, fatter, and less healthy when they get into their 30s, 40s, and 50s? Chalk it up to increased stress, increased responsibilities, and decreased time...