
Most people working in health and fitness want to take on more clients while still delivering amazing results — without having to work 100-hour weeks or being a slave to their clients’ schedules. Could coaching online be the answer? Here are the pros, the caveats, and — most importantly — 5 steps to creating a...

Professional Fighters LeagueIf you’re a fan of mixed martial arts, then chances are you’ve heard—or more likely, have seen—that the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is now on ESPN, with fights and pay-per-views available on ESPN2 and ESPN+ (ESPN’s streaming service). What you may have missed, though, is that ESPN picked up another MMA federation in...

Tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, osteoarthritis, and other connective tissue injuries are on the rise. Athletes have always gotten them, but it’s only in the past few decades that regular folks are getting them too. For some connective tissue injuries, non-athletes outnumber athletes. That shouldn’t happen if the conventional wisdom—injuries to tendons, ligaments, and cartilage occur...

When it comes to going the extra mile to show yourself some serious self-care, it’s hard to top a wellness retreat — and Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health is one of the most recognizable names in that realm, and for good reason! It’s been around since the mid-1970s, and has successfully transitioned with the...

Shake off the winter blues and get your brain summer-ready!With the dark days of winter often comes the blues, and the American Psychological Association concluded that this kind of seasonal stress can contribute to health issues such as obesity, high blood pressure and depression. Almost 15 million Americans are affected by depression each year, which...