
Teriyaki is a classic accompaniment for salmon, but concerns about soy may have kept you away from enjoying this combo. No more. Primal Kitchen® No-Soy Teriyaki brings the taste to new life. And it goes perfectly with this Primal- and keto-friendly cauliflower rice mix. Scallions, carrots, garlic and orange add all the nuance and brightness...

Courtesy WWEAdeel Alam burst on to WWE TV screens as a last-minute alternate in the 2016 Cruiserweight Classic tournament, under the name Mustafa Ali, wowing fans with his extraordinary combination of speed, relatable charisma, and innovative offense. Though his appearance in the tournament would prove short-lived after a first-round loss, it still marked significant progress...

Research of the Week Scientists can’t quantify what makes a good liar. Medieval English peasants ate mostly meat stew, cheese, fruits, and vegetables. Bowel cancer rates rise among young adults. Researchers identify two gut bacteria linked to mental health. In mice, a keto diet lowers schizophrenia symptoms, partially by modulating the gut biome. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 339: Jeffrey M. Smith:...

Use these strategies to kick the calorie-counting habit once and for all.When it comes to trimming down, counting your calories used to be the go-to plan. Thankfully, a new era of research has been steadily pounding nails into this antiquated calorie-counting coffin. Case in point: A study by researchers at the Stanford University School of...

Judoka Nicole Stout ignored her father’s directive and followed her martial arts dreams — to the benefit of the world.Growing up in a household of athletes, it was only natural that Nicole Stout began competing in sports by the age of 3. While her father and brother practiced judo under Olympian Patrick Burris, Stout chose...