
It’s mid-May and you know what that means, right? FBG party! via GIPHY Which also means it’s award season here in the Fit Bottomed World. via GIPHY For us, that includes the Fitties, Mommies, Noshies, and Zennies — AKA the best products we tried over the course of the last year. And, since our redesign...

Will protein help me lose weight? Should I eat it at every meal? Could too much damage my kidneys? At Precision Nutrition, our inbox is filled with questions about the pros and cons of eating more protein. In this article we’ll set the record straight, so you can finally separate the facts from the fiction. ++++ Maybe...

A batch of cookies, no matter what the flavor, is always a recipe for nostalgia. But there’s a special something about Pecan Sandies…. Richly nutty, slightly sweet and (true to their name) characteristically granular, these cookies can feel like a biscuit hybrid. Perfect with afternoon coffee (or black tea), pecan sandies are a treat that...

Chris Nicoll / M+F MagazineIf you’re a loyal reader of Muscle & Fitness, chances are pretty good that you’ve considered making the trip to Joe Weider’s Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend. It’s an event that’s often described as the Super Bowl of the fitness industry, and it would take every page in this magazine to...