
Academic studies aren’t going to top any “best summer reads” lists: They can be complicated, confusing, and well, pretty boring. But learning to read scientific research can help you answer important client questions and concerns… and provide the best evidence-based advice. In this article, we’ll help you understand every part of a study, and give...

Carmen Vicedo / EyeEmEven if you don’t know what kinesiology tape is, you’ve definitely seen it in action—whether it’s plastered across the limbs and joints of an NFL player, Olympian, or regular Joe at your local park. It’s meant to help support injured body parts and speed up the healing process for tweaks, pulls, and...

aywan88 / Getty Building a bikini butt requires a training workout focused on hypertrophy so you can stimulate muscle growth. In addition to that, the workout should specifically target the posterior chain with exercises that maximize usage of these muscle groups. This hypertrophy based glute workout combines rep...

Research of the Week Third party research confirms that a pasture-based cattle operation in Georgia is securing more carbon in the soil than it releases. The influence personality has on longevity might be modulated by its influence on sleep habits. Higher inflammation, more impulsivity. Exercise improves sperm quality, and this quality is transferred to offspring who are lucky enough...