
Inspired by “Tidying Up” on Netflix? Us, too! And today, we have tips on how to get your KonMari on at home from Cathy Hannah Pérez, the 159th worldwide certified KonMari Organizing Consultant. Cathy coaches her clients through organizing projects (professional or personal) to create their best lives imaginable. You can reach her at [email protected]...

One of the most common questions I get is “Does [x] break a fast?” What they’re really inquiring about is: “Does this interfere with, negate, or nullify the benefits of fasting?” These benefits include: Ketosis: Fasting is the quickest way to get into ketosis, an metabolic state characterized by increasing fat burning, fat adaptation, and—in some people—improved cognitive...

I’ve recently gotten back into a decent habit of planning out dinners for the week. Seriously, it’s amazing how differently I approach the dinner decision when I’ve written it out and stuck it on my refrigerator door. This time around, I took things one step further and included a space for writing down any evening...