
I’m a believer in working hard AND playing hard. When we get stuck in patterns of overwork and overstress, we lose the important connection with our creative, intuitive, playful selves. Our work suffers and so does our happiness (which means everything else, like our relationships, will, too). Stuart Brown, one of the world’s leading experts...

There’s living. And then there’s living with intention. To help us all do that a little bit better, here are a few tips straight from the book, How to Live with Intention by Meera Lester, which is a real-life guide to infusing daily activities with purpose, helping you to improve your sense of peace, gratitude and health, and eliminate thoughts...

Ask any health and fitness professional if they’re “evidence based,” and chances are good you’ll get a resounding, “Yes!” Perhaps even an indignant one. After all, everyone uses evidence… of some sort. But if you think evidence-based practice is only what “research says,” you’re doing it wrong. In this article, we’ll show you the right way to use...

Whip up super-smart smoothies and more with this incredible new product from Ninja.Photo Courtesy of NinjaNinja has asserted itself as the king of all blenders over the last several years — and with good reason. Not only are their products affordable and reliable, the company also creates new products on the reg with time-saving and...

The relationship between stress and carbohydrates is confusing, with seemingly contradictory arguments bouncing around the online health sphere. There are those who say high-carb diets cause stress, and that eating more fat and fewer carbs is the solution. There are those who say high-fat diets increase stress and eating carbs ameliorates it. Who’s right? They can’t both be...

What makes for a successful fitness and nutrition coach? It’s not just what you know… it’s what you do (every day). Here are some of the practices elite coaches use to get results. Keep track of how many you’ve mastered. ++ You know the type. It’s the coach that seems to have to it all together. They have...

Learning more about nutrition is one thing; turning that knowledge into results (and a thriving practice) is another. That’s why, in this article, I share seven proven business models from top health and fitness experts. Use them to grow your existing practice — or to get a new one off the ground. ++++ The fields of health,...