
Johner Images / GettyMore than a green stalk dipped into peanut butter or the typical (healthier) side to a mound of Buffalo wings, celery is getting a new lease on its shelf life: juice. Perhaps the new “it” green, celery juice is packed with vitamins and minerals that can help with digestion, cleanse and detoxify the...

It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep...

Last week I announced that the bees and are looking to share your stories of success in changing habits, losing weight, reclaiming your health, and enjoying more vitality with the help of Primal and/or Primal-keto living—and that I’m offering a giveaway to sweeten the pot: a $200 gift certificate  to for one lucky winner,...

This is what we’d like to do to diet culture. via GIPHY And we are BY FAR not alone in this fight. There are a ton of amazing people who we listen to, read, follow, and generally want to high-five every darn day. We’ve already shared a few resources on what diet culture is and...

Got the workout blahs? Cover model and certified trainer Jennifer Nicole Lee can change that. Check out this playlist she created exclusively for Oxygen that includes a compilation of her favorite songs that get her moving and keep her motivated.Got the workout blahs? Cover model and certified trainer Jennifer Nicole Lee can change that. Check...

Fudge…the creamy, rich squares of pure decadence we might associate with the holidays (or with trips to grandmother’s house). A little sure went a long way, but still…. With versions that typically call for everything from three cups of sugar to marshmallow fluff to sweetened condensed milk, fudge isn’t exactly a realistic Primal option. In...

The 2019 Arnold Sports Festival is taking place February 28th–March 1st-3rd, in Columbus, Ohio. The 2019 IFBB events include Open Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Fitness, Figure, Bikini, Men's and Women's Physique, and Pro Wheelchair. Stay tuned to for more Arnold Classic updates and full competition coverage. Powered by WPeMatico...