
Research of the Week Yoga promotes stress resilience. Adipose tissue is limited by the number of embryonic progenitor cells. Relying only on antibody testing may not capture everyone with coronavirus immunity. Birds who swallow fish eggs whole may deposit them intact and viable into isolated lakes. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 430: Shawn Baker MD: Host Elle Russ chats with Dr....

This tomato recipe calls for seasonal ingredients and uses fresh herbs to add tons of flavor without spiking the fat content.When you’re looking to shed fat, vegetables are your best weapon. For a few calories per serving, you can eat as much as you want and feel full without packing on the pounds. Replace high-calorie...

High fiber links to weight loss and lower bodyweight, making buckwheat a functional and tasty addition to meal plans.Buckwheat Chicken SaladMakes: 4 servingsReady in: 30 minutes1 cup buckwheat groats1 whole rotisserie cooked chicken breast, shredded (about 8 ounces)1 red bell pepper, finely diced1 cup broccoli florets, chopped¼ cup chopped red onion¼ cup fresh chopped dilljuice...

Every six months, we get to celebrate the folks who have had the most incredible body transformations in Precision Nutrition Coaching. They’ve spent 12 months with a personal nutrition coach, completely changing how they eat, move, look, and feel. They’ve lost weight, gained strength, boosted their health, and inspired their friends and families. No extreme diets or crazy...

Contrary to what we’ve been told, cholesterol didn’t evolve to give us heart disease. It’s not here to kill us. The actual roles of cholesterol in the body include insulating neurons, building and maintaining cellular membranes, participating in the immune response, metabolizing fat soluble vitamins, synthesizing vitamin D, producing bile, and kick-starting the body’s synthesis...