
Anya Semenoff / GettyWhat's your favorite form of body therapy? Foam rolling? Sports massage? Maybe getting your sweat on in the sauna? Well, here’s a new one for you: using a freakin’ laser beam to boost performance, soothe aching muscles, and speed up recovery. And yes, we’re serious. The Lowdown on LLLT What it is: Known to lab...

ShutterstockCold-immersion therapy—colloquially known as cold therapy or ice baths—has long been a recovery method used by hardcore lifters, pro athletes, and ultramarathoners looking to initiate and enhance the healing process after a taxing training session. Trouble is, plunging neck-deep into a bone-chilling, testicle-shrinking tub of ice may not be so helpful. In a study published in...

Keto is exploding. No longer solely the province of cutting edge bodybuilders or longevity enthusiasts and neurodegenerative disease warriors, keto has invaded every walk of life. I hear about it in grocery stores, coffee shops, spin classes, business meetings, dinner parties, morning talk shows. Judging from our blog and sales metrics, women make up the...