
Hi folks, in this week’s edition of Ask a Health Coach, Erin dives into your Primal Blueprint questions, helping you wrangle your dark chocolate addictions, navigate self-sabotage, and find workouts that don’t feel like a chore. Keep your questions coming in the Mark’s Daily Apple Facebook Group or in the comments section below. Cam asked: “I’ve done...

To honor and highlight our black brothers and sisters, we've decided to hit pause on new podcasts and social media channels. Inequality and injustice is systemic, insidious, and often hidden from us. And it's our responsibility to own this, whether we realize our behavior is damaging or not.Powered by WPeMatico...

Don’t be humdrum with your hydration — these beverages deliver big body benefits.Water is involved in every bodily function from performance to digestion to temperature regulation and nutrient absorption. And while plain water is great on its own, sometimes adding a couple of vitamins, minerals or superfoods can ratchet up its dietary value. Here’s a...

This interval workout has you racing against the clock, improving endurance, building muscle and boosting your metabolism.Give a workout an acronym and it instantly seems that much harder. That’s why the EMOM — every minute on the minute — method of interval training is a great way to torch a fire under your programming. “You’re...

“But how do you get enough protein?!” If you’re vegetarian, vegan, or even just a fan of Meatless Mondays, you’ve probably been asked this question. Plant-based protein is a hot topic for plant-based eaters or anyone whose dietary choices emphasize plant foods as important components. Much of the controversy and confusion revolves around getting “enough” protein and choosing...

Magnesium is an essential mineral that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. You’d be hard pressed to find any activity in the body that doesn’t use magnesium in some way. It has literally hundreds of functions. Cellular energy production, protein synthesis, DNA and RNA synthesis, and cell signaling—which controls the secretion of certain hormones, among other...