
Use these mobility sequence to improve form, strength and performance.The health and mobility of your thoracic spine is integral to spinal and shoulder function, and ignoring this area could negatively affect performance, strength and posture, and could even add pressure to your lower back, resulting in pain and discomfort. Using several stretching techniques in...

Don't sweat the small stuff. Relax your mind and body with these strategies.Stay consistent with your workouts, even when traveling. One way to do it? Research what equipment will be available at your hotel and create a program tailored to the facility, advises Julie Bonnett, Oxygen fitness model and physique consultant in Winnipeg, Canada. You can...

Cholesterol usually gets the gold for most demonized nutrient, and fats undoubtedly take the silver. It’s time to confront the misunderstandings around fats. When I switched from a high-carb, low-fat diet and started to eat healthy fat as a nutrient, my health rapidly transformed. As important as fat is to your body, the fact remains that...

Feed your muscles and torch fat with this postworkout meal!A balanced carb and protein meal like this is ideal for after a weight training workout. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you torch per day.Crunchy Chicken Salad PitaReady in: 10 minutesMakes: 1 serving Ingredients Chicken1/2 cup roasted chicken, chopped1/4 cup red grapes,...

Are you sick of dietary propaganda? Me too. This week's guest has been wiping the floor with ridiculous, government-mandated, top-down nutrition recommendations for decades now.Powered by WPeMatico...

Research of the Week Diabetic patients taking metformin had lower coronavirus mortality than diabetic patients not taking it. “Increased cardiovascular disease in African-Americans with Covid-19.” Unsaturated fat intake and deficiencies in calcium and albumin linked to higher coronavirus mortality. “Financial relationships between the leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry are extensive…” New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 425: Robert...

In this week’s edition of Ask a Health Coach, Erin answers more of your questions from the Mark’s Daily Apple Facebook group. She’ll be discussing strategies on the best way to go Primal, the real reasons we crave sugar (and what to do about it), and what happens when we all go back to work...