
Make the most out of this upper-body-building move.Push-ups are the ultimate move for developing upper body strength and shape, working the chest, shoulders, back, core and forearms. Unfortunately they’re also one of the most abused moves around in terms of form, with many versions of ugly happening in gyms, on playing fields and in living...

Research of the Week Commuting by car kills. The internal, external, and extended microbiomes of hominins. An “oral health optimized diet” is a low-carb ones. The immunoregulatory potential of cannabis for infectious diseases. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 424: Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO: Host Elle Russ chats with Dr. Anna Cabeca, an expert on menopause and sexual health. Primal Health Coach Radio,...

As great as back squats are for strength, general fitness, and body composition, sometimes they just don’t work for a person. Maybe they cause knee, shoulder, or wrist pain. Maybe someone’s body proportions aren’t conducive to proper back squatting. Maybe their legs are too long to achieve good depth without compromising position. While there are dozens of articles imploring...

This free exercise library from Precision Nutrition contains men’s and women’s versions of over 400 exercise videos. It’s designed to be a resource for personal trainers and strength coaches who provide remote or online workout coaching. But it’s also freely available to anyone else who might benefit. Every exercise video is filmed from multiple angles and provides...