
Once you start making your own Instant Pot chicken bone broth, you’ll never buy salty packaged chicken broth from the store again. It’s fully prepped in minutes, you probably have all of the ingredients on hand, it costs pennies per serving, and we suspect you’ll make roast chicken a little more often knowing that a...

Discover how to determine your natural body type and what training regimen works best to fit it.When putting together the right workout plan for your body, there are several things to consider — most important, what body type you have naturally. Bone structure helps determine what your body can support, and this is determined by...

When our survival and basic needs are threatened, our trust in authority figures broken and our human rights ignored, it's pretty easy to lose your head. So how can we protect our brain and nervous system in these trying times? Well, I’m happy to say that returning to the show this week to help us...

Research of the Week We forage for information in our minds the way we foraged for food as hunter-gatherers. Full lockdowns don’t seem to have had much effect in Western Europe. Deep genetic history of the Andes. Factors most associated with death from COVID-19 in the UK: maleness, old age, uncontrolled diabetes. More fitness, less dying. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 421:...

Toast is not just for breakfast anymore. Here’s how to turn a humble piece of bread into a crispy, fuss-free power meal, day or night.Just the smell of toast is enough to make anyone’s mouth water, and now this breakfast staple is topping trendy restaurant menus across the country, starring in main courses to be...

Even after publishing several books and hundreds of  articles that draw upon the science of ketosis and low-carb living, I keep researching, thinking, revisiting, and discussing the underpinnings of ketosis. My writing partner, Brad Kearns, and I maintain a running dialogue on all things keto. The latest conversation revolved around two very common questions or...