
Research of the Week Latitude (or vitamin D supplementation/intake) predicts coronavirus mortality. The fats found in old Neolithic pottery shards from Europe. Of the thousands of CA state prisoners who tested positive for coronavirus, 96% had no symptoms. Among infected Boston homeless, 87.8% had no symptoms. Low HDL predicts the progression from mild to severe coronavirus infection. Why we often...

We need to fight for our right for recess, even if we're adults, no matter what country we're in. And I can't think of a better person to remind us how important it is to go outside and play than our friend Darryl Edwards.Powered by WPeMatico...

Hi, folks. In this week’s edition of Ask a Health Coach, Erin shares her strategies for staying on track while sheltering in place, navigating toxic relationships online, and how to make fitness fun for the whole family. Remember, you can ask your questions in the MDA Facebook Group or below this post in the comments...

Researchers sought to discover if losing a loved one leads to weight gain.Kummerspeck — which literally translated from German means “grief bacon” — refers to our evolutionary tendency to hoard or indulge in food when a long-term relationship ends. And indeed, most people believe that you’re doomed to pack on a few pounds after breaking up with a partner. Is...

Our understanding of how antioxidant supplementation works has changed in the last decade. Rather than act directly as antioxidants, most of these compounds stimulate the body’s own production of endogenous antioxidants. That’s right—most of the popular and beneficial “antioxidant” supplements work by provoking a mild hormetic stress response that activates our own antioxidant defenses. But homegrown...