
Protect yourself from summertime perils and pests and take your fitness alfresco without fear.When you think of outdoor exercise, what comes to mind? Likely you see yourself reveling in the sunlight, hiking the trails, enjoying the freedom of shorts and tees, and spending some intimate time with Mother Nature. But if telenovelas have taught us anything,...

A little planning and motivation will help you start a low-carb, keto, or Primal lifestyle, and under normal circumstances, keeping your carbs on the low side is easy. But let’s not create the illusion that it is easy all the time. From time to time, you may get stressed and eat mindlessly. Or, your aunt...

We have a workout experiment for you. It’s simple. It’s effective. And it’s tailor-made for people who work from home. If that’s your situation right now, there may be no better time to try these workouts. We call them ‘trigger workouts.’ But they’re also known as intermittent workouts, micro-workouts, and mini-workouts. Give these workouts a shot, and they might...

What’s the best way to optimize our anabolic hormones? Two words: compound movements. Studies have found that explosive full-body movements will simultaneously increase our anabolic hormones (growth hormone, testosterone, etc) while decreasing circulating cortisol, lowering our body’s chronic stress response.Powered by WPeMatico...

Whether you’re eager to shed pounds or just redefine your relationship with the gym, this eight-week, HIIT-based routine has you covered.This HIIT-based program is time efficient, effective and ever-changing.Interval Training — Yeah, Not a FadCountless studies and thousands of happy subjects maintain that high-intensity interval training is one of the most effective methods for burning...

Research of the Week New study says exercise may prevent severe respiratory complications of COVID-19. About 50% of food sold in Britain is ultra-processed. In France, it’s around 14%. “The majority of studies, and especially the higher quality studies, showed that those who avoided meat consumption had significantly higher rates or risk of depression, anxiety, and/or self-harm behaviors.”...

You feeling a little stressed? I know I am. So how can we be proactive and slow or reverse the signs of aging? Well, to help us out, I figure we might as well invite one of our friends and a modern-day superhero on the show, Mr. Brad Kearns.Powered by WPeMatico...