
A WH cover star, coach, foodie entrepreneur, credit analyst and influencer open up about what it's like to be pregnant under lockdown. The post Pregnant Under Lockdown — 5 Women Share Their Fears And Coping Mechanisms appeared first on Women's Health.Powered by WPeMatico...

Today’s guest post is written by Dr. Terry Wahls, Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa and author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine (paperback). You may be familiar with her recovery story, featured here.    I heard a lot...

Often overlooked, nothing is more stunning and important to your everyday activities than strong, sculpted traps.If you carry a heavy purse, schlep bags full of groceries or tote a toddler, you depend on your traps every day. But when was the last time you included them in your workout? For too many women, the answer...

For whatever reason, angel food cake seems to make its yearly debut during that time when warmer weather breaks. Is it the toppings – fresh berries, or a perfectly ripe peach? Is it those first rays of sunshine after a cold winter that make you want something pillowy soft and sweet? There could be a...

This bright and flavorful salad showcases the best of spring!While you can now find asparagus in stores year-round (gracias, Peru), locally grown stalks have unsurpassed flavor and texture. The upshot is that you should eat as much of this quintessential spring vegetable as you can while the locally grown variety is available. Do so and...

How would you like to build a thriving business around your passion? Well, the good news is that you can. You can make that happen. There is a lot of confidence that comes when you start to do your own thing. And we have a wonderful example on the show here today.Powered by WPeMatico...

Untie the knots that are holding you back by releasing these five problem areas.Though they're not fully understood, trigger points are commonly believed to be mini muscle spasms caused by repetitive trauma to the tissue, either because of poor posture or repetitive movement patterns that, over time, cause a compensation to occur. That compensating muscle...

Research of the Week Outdoor transmission of coronavirus is very rare, according to new research. Exercise increases superoxidate dismutase, an antioxidant that protects against advanced respiratory distress syndrome. Oncology journal editors get a lot of non-research payments from industry. Bearded dragon falls for the Müller-Lyer illusion. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 417: Cristina Curp: Host Elle Russ chats with Cristina Curp,...

Let’s start with the hard truth. You can’t fully control whether you catch a cold, the flu, or COVID-19. You also can’t control how your body will react once it’s exposed to a pathogen. There are many different factors that determine your body’s response. Some you can impact, like nutrient deficiencies. Others you can’t do anything about, like...