
Get amped up for your next workout with this carefully cultivated mix.When it comes to choosing music for my workouts, I select a genre based on my mood and whatever result I’m trying to create. For instance, if it’s a high-intensity interval training workout, I want something very upbeat. I like pop songs and some...

The idea that technique is essential for the simple act of running is finally starting to catch on. By maintaining a balanced center of gravity and maintaining a strong foot, you generate maximum propulsive force and minimize impact trauma with each stride. This allows you to transform from a rookie sloppy jogger to someone who...

Research of the Week An IL-6 inhibitor shows benefit in slowing down the coronavirus cytokine storm. Researchers laying the groundwork for a meat tax. Mice “pre-loaded” with corn oil experience an “extended course of lung injury” after being exposed to endotoxin. Peter Attia (and colleagues) wonders if we’re missing a readily available treatment option. How the lockdowns are affecting the...

Are you feeling a little on edge lately? You're not the only one. But thankfully, we have fellow health crusaders to help us navigate this increasingly fear-based landscape. Returning to the show this week is Dr. David Perlmutter, and I'm thrilled to say that joining us, as well, is his son, Dr. Austin Perlmutter.Powered by...

More than 60 percent of our incoming clients say they struggle with emotional or stress eating. And that was before the global pandemic. Whether out of stress, anxiety, sadness, boredom, or grief, it’s understandable why we turn to food for comfort. Food offers a pretty great—if very temporary—solution to our suffering. Eating feels good. It sets off a cascade of...

A healthy lifestyle is never effortless. Only for many of us, it feels unusually hard right now. Shockingly so, perhaps. Yes, stress, overwhelm, and depression may all be contributing factors. But there’s also a good chance something else happened: The pandemic just broke your “system.” We know: That sounds like a plot twist from Westworld. Stick with us, though, because it’s about...

Every single one of us has gone through difficult times in our lives. But sometimes, something comes along that shatters everything. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re collectively facing something we’ve never experienced before. For many of us, nothing feels safe or stable any more—simple activities, human interaction, our daily routines, even the air we breathe. People are getting very...

No one has ever been through anything exactly like THIS. It’s so universal, we don’t even have to name THIS. Everyone just gets it. Of course, we want to tell coaches… “We’re here to help.” But frankly, that phrase jumped the shark about two days ago. And you’re probably sick of it. So what good advice can we offer? We’re not really...