
Research of the Week The environmental footprint of different diets is not what we’ve been led to believe. Genetic analysis of ancient Hungarian conquerors. Men on a low-fat diet may have lower testosterone. Glucose metabolism takes center stage in Alzheimer’s. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode 399: Kate Cretsinger: Host Elle Russ chats with Kate Cretsinger, who after defeating her own serious...

When it comes to fat loss and muscle gain, everyone wants Insta-worthy after photos… right now. But understanding what’s realistic can be the difference between achieving amazing results and giving up altogether. How fast can a client lose fat? What’s the upper limit of muscle gain? And how do you figure out a rate of... via ShutterstockDiabetes and cancer have consistently been two of the biggest causes of death around the world each year, but luckily there seems to be a pretty easy way to ward off the diseases. A recent study by a group of international researchers, published in the British Medical Journal, pinpointed the five healthy lifestyle habits that...

Lemony chicken and a kiwi-strawberry dressing give this spinach salad a refreshing kick.Kiwi Strawberry Spinach Salad RecipeReady in: 20 minutesMakes: 2 servings Ingredients6 ounce boneless, skinless chicken breastJuice of 2 lemons (1/2 cup)1 sprig fresh rosemary, chopped (or 2 tsp dried)1 1/2 teaspoon olive oil, divided1 1/2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced1/4 cup balsamic vinegar1/8 teaspoon...

It’s curious how not eating can spark so many questions and debates. A practice born out of necessity for our ancestors, fasting for long stretches happened when weather or circumstance hampered hunting and gathering, or for shorter periods while on the hunt or foraging. As food has become readily available and abundant in many countries, our...

Relief from sore muscles could be one meal away. Here, we reveal the best and worst foods for postworkout recovery.Nailing your postworkout nutrition is of utmost importance, and eating the right things at the right time can promote quicker recovery, reduce muscle soreness, build lean muscle and replenish lost glycogen. There is definitely a pecking...