
Elevate your nutritional game with these super-simple culinary and ingredient tweaks.Cooking healthy does not have to be complicated or expensive. Unfortunately, with busy schedules and full days, making a nutritious meal can still prove to be an epic challenge. Aside from overhauling your entire pantry, the solution to your dining woes could be as simple as trading one ingredient for another or preparing your food in a different...

A little while back, Mark posted an article about 14 scenarios in which intermittent fasting (IF) might be just the ticket. We got some requests for a follow-up about times when IF might not be advised. Mark has already written about cautions for women and athletes specifically. I’ll link those at the bottom. More generally, it’s...

A big problem with New Year’s resolutions is not something intrinsic to the practice of resolving to make positive changes in the coming year—these can be beneficial forces in a person’s life—but with the way we word our resolutions. Word choice determines everything. Words mean things. The words we use determine everything that follows. With...

"I didn't know my gender had that much power." Sue Falsone made history by becoming the first female Head Athletic Trainer in American pro sports. The former Los Angeles Dodgers trainer talks about the pros and cons of breaking glass ceilings, changes in recovery methods, and how sleep is currently viewed in the fitness industry....

Oleh_Slobodeniuk / GettyYoga has been around for more than 5,000 years and boasts some pretty impressive health and fitness benefits, but a new review of 11 scientific studies suggests that it may be even better for the brain than previously thought.  Scientists analyzed five studies done on people with no yoga experience who were put...