
The weather is chilly. via GIPHY The heater is on. via GIPHY You’ve got a warm mug of coffee or tea to go along with your slippers. via GIPHY Yep, coziness is in full affect. via GIPHY And one of our favorite breakfasts for these awesomely lazy and cozy mornings? Oatmeal. But just because oatmeal...

Just one year ago, these 20 men were inspired to make a change. To eat healthier, move better, and get stronger. Now, after 12 months of Precision Nutrition Coaching, that’s exactly what they’ve done. Transforming their health, bodies, and lives more than they ever thought possible.  They’ve realized that when it comes to living the life...

Tone and lift your behind with these do-anywhere Pilates moves. Your tush will thank you later!Want to build a lifted booty without the bulk? These five Pilates moves will tone your glutes in no time. The best part? You don’t need any equipment. Just find floor space and get ready for some serious booty burn!Quadruped...

Ryan Loco / M+F MagazineJosh Gallegos is the go-to trainer for the WWE’s elite personalities, but if you ask him how he got to be where he is, he’ll say it was because he was at the right place at the right time.  “I’ve kind of Mr. Magoo’d my way into these really fun opportunities,” Gallegos...

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about how to read scientific research papers. That covered what to do. Today I’m going to tell you what NOT to do as a consumer of research studies. The following are bad practices that can cause you to misinterpret research findings, dismiss valid research, or apply scientific findings...