
Artificial sugar has become public enemy number one. But what if there was a natural, healthier way to sweeten your recipes (and coffee) without cutting out sugar? Try: Coconut sugar.Coconut sugar is a natural granulated sweetener derived from coconut palm-tree sap. Unlike table sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, coconut sugar retains its natural brown color and essential nutrients such as iron,...

"When it comes to building muscle, is protein the only macro that matters?"It’s true that the amino acids in protein-rich foods are needed to rebuild after vigorous exercise, but protein is not all that matters in the muscle-building game. You also need carbohydrates to power you through that workout and replenish energy stores, and fat helps create and maintain the hormones necessary to build muscle. When you eat from a variety of...

These simple, healthy snacks won't derail your fitness and health goals.Green GoddessIngredients:2 hard-boiled eggs½ ripe avocado8 whole-grain crackersDirections:Mash eggs with avocado; serve on crackers.PB Energy BitesIngredients:1½ cup rolled oats½ cup natural peanut butter3 tbsp honey or maple syrupDirections:Process oats into a flour and then mix with peanut butter and honey/syrup to form a dough. Roll...

A few years ago, I wrote a post describing all the things that avowed Primal eaters can learn from plant-based or even vegan dieters. Sure, we’re diametrically opposed on the role of animal foods in human health, but there are still relevant takeaways. Carnivores are much closer to Primal eaters on the dietary spectrum, The Primal...

Dr. Ben House is breaking down conventional beliefs on nutrition and testosterone deficiency.Nutritionist and strength and conditioning coach Benjamin House explains how you can at times incorporate certain “taboo” foods like chips and candy alongside a consistent and balanced diet.  [RELATED1]   function videoLoadCallback () { ...

Belen Diaz/DYDPPA/ShutterstockThe Game Changers documentary has convinced yet another muscular star to go vegan—this time, it’s Rocky IV actor Dolph Lundgren. The Swedish superstar told Piers Morgan he’s been eating a plant-based diet for about a month. He said he made the switch after watching the Arnold Schwarzenegger-produced documentary on Netflix. “I checked it out and...