
Read the latest research about the benefits of an active lifestyle, improving lifting performance and morning versus evening exercise.It's Never Too LateHere’s one instance in which your past will not come back to haunt you: A new study published in the British Medical Journal found that the benefits reaped from living an active lifestyle today...

Maybe the scale is your friend, after all! Research shows that daily weigh-ins can help you achieve your fat-loss potential.Worried about holiday weight gain? You’re not alone, and overindulgences during this time of year can mitigate months of hard work and training.Prevent holiday weight gain by weighing yourself daily — on the same scale at the...

Many people get to age 60 or so and, if they haven’t lived a healthy, active life up to that point, assume it’s too late for them. After all, things only get harder the older you get. You’ve got aches and pains. Your doc is always reminding you about your weight. Things creak and crack....