
Nancy Rivera/ShutterstockLou Ferrigno is angry, and you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.  The actor and former bodybuilder—who rose to fame by playing Bruce Banner’s alter ego in The Incredible Hulk—recently said he was “disappointed” with how the green monster was portrayed by actor Mark Ruffalo in Avengers: Endgame.  “Because the Hulk needs to be hideous, he...

After decades of one step forward and two steps back, Lucy Hilton finally found her stride.For as long as she can remember, Lucy Hilton was overweight and her family’s Portuguese heritage meant a dinner table filled with bread, sweets, meat and potatoes every night. “As a child, I ate ice cream for breakfast while watching cartoons,” Hilton says. “Eventually, I stopped...

Having dropped 30 pounds, Tonyael Miller is now inspiring others to get healthy.A chronic yo-yo dieter, Tonyael Miller was stuck on replay: She’d follow an extreme diet from January through June, reach her goal weight in time for her birthday in July, then party the remainder of the summer. By winter, working out was a thing of the past. She was...

Even though you may loathe it, not all body fat is bad. In fact, having more of certain kinds can actually be beneficial.When talking about body fat, you likely lament those areas of excess cellular collection — such as your saddlebags, belly pooch and side-boob areas. This overage can be annoying when it comes to physique goals, and excessive amounts...

When it comes to recovery, protein is not the only gain in town.What comes to mind when you think of recovery nutrition? Likely it’s protein powder, and while we’re certainly not knocking the power of this training staple, there are tons of alternative products to consider when looking to enhance recovery. Here’s an expert-curated list of five supplemental powders and how they...

You've heard of functional training — now nutrition wants in on the deal. Here's the 411 on the latest practice in nutritional science.Finding the right diet for you and your goals is tough territory to navigate, and everyone has an opinion about which one is best (which they then promote as loudly as possible on social media). Truth is, there is no one-diet-fits-all plan, since every single...

It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep...

“What should I charge?” At some point, every nutrition coach asks that question. You could be just starting out and have no idea what’s fair. Maybe you have years of experience but wonder if your rates should be higher. Or perhaps you’ve heard what competitors charge and think, “Why not me?” Trouble is, it’s hard to get a...

While there’s nothing particularly wrong with potatoes (in fact, we happen to love this recipe for scalloped potatoes), not everyone in the Primal—let alone keto—camp wants to serve potatoes at the holiday. They’re a technically Primal choice, but they’re decidedly high in carbs and not as high in nutrients as other options. Primal and Primal-keto...