
Moms wear a lot of hats — and working moms often feel like they’re being pulled in a million different directions, each and every day. Sam Schacher — host of Daily Blast Live (DBL), owner (along with her husband) of the candle company Biren & Co., and mom of toddler daughter, Sophie, with one on...

Certified personal trainer Autumn Calabrese has put together this full-body workout routine to help you transform your entire body. All you need is dumbbells. The post This Full-Body Dumbbell Workout Will Make You Feel The Burn In Just 15 Minutes appeared first on Women's Health.Powered by WPeMatico...

AleksZ Photo / ShutterstockSwiss ball; Stability ball; Physio ball; Exercise ball. It goes by many names, but the big ball that inhabits the corner of every gym is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment at your disposal. It’s not just for your core, either—the ball can be paired with weights or utilized on...

Triceps aren’t just for the guys: Exercise your right to bare arms with these strength and power moves.Dumbbell skullcrusher exerciseForm: Dumbbell SkullcrusherMost triceps moves like overhead extensions and kickbacks tend to target a specific triceps head. Skullcrushers, however, hit all three equally by placing the arm at a 90-degree angle to the body. This creates...

Amy Stanton and Catherine Connors always felt that women and their unique feminine behaviors (emotion, intuition, and empathy) should be utilized and celebrated in the business world rather than seen as weak or less than useful. And they’ve spent enough time in the business trenches to truly know what they’re talking about here; Amy is...

“Diet soda can’t be good for you.” Maybe you’ve heard this before. (Or said it yourself.) After all, diet soda offers no vitamins or antioxidants, and it’s usually artificially sweetened. So what, exactly, is “good” about it? While that argument sounds logical, it doesn’t answer the real question on everyone’s mind: Is diet soda actually bad for you?  And of...