Brandon Curry Pulled A Cable Machine Onto Himself While Training

Brandon Curry Pulled A Cable Machine Onto Himself While Training

Chris Nicoll / M+F Magazine

Earlier this week, Mr. Olympia contender Brandon Curry nearly got crushed by a cable machine during a set of overhead triceps extensions.

According to Curry, he was lifting the entire stack and, due to how far away he was standing, pulled the stack too high and forced the machine on top of him. To make matters worse, the machine forced him into a barbell rack, trapping him. Check out the video from Curry’s Instagram below:


Luckily, Curry walked away with minimal damage.

“Thank God I walked away uninjured just a bump and scrap,” Curry wrote in the post. “Life is uncertain. Things can be going great one second and not so great the other. God is always in control of it all and what can be seen as bad is often for our good.”

At the 2018 Mr. Olympia, Curry established himself as a top contender with a top-five placing. This year, he has a good shot at not just cracking the top three, but even winning the Sandow. And given that Curry lifted so much weight he toppled the cable pulley, it seems as though he’s hitting the gym hard.


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