
When describing someone that has successfully made the transition to a Primal or Keto way of eating I often refer to them as “fat-adapted” or as “fat-burning beasts”. But what exactly does it mean to be fat-adapted? How can you tell if you’re fat-adapted or still a sugar-burner? As I’ve mentioned before, fat-adaptation is the normal,...

Even after publishing several books and hundreds of  articles that draw upon the science of ketosis and low-carb living, I keep researching, thinking, revisiting, and discussing the underpinnings of ketosis. My writing partner, Brad Kearns, and I maintain a running dialogue on all things keto. The latest conversation revolved around two very common questions or...

A little planning and motivation will help you start a low-carb, keto, or Primal lifestyle, and under normal circumstances, keeping your carbs on the low side is easy. But let’s not create the illusion that it is easy all the time. From time to time, you may get stressed and eat mindlessly. Or, your aunt...

You feeling a little stressed? I know I am. So how can we be proactive and slow or reverse the signs of aging? Well, to help us out, I figure we might as well invite one of our friends and a modern-day superhero on the show, Mr. Brad Kearns.Powered by WPeMatico...

One of the more common questions we get in the Keto Reset Facebook community is, “How do I break through a weight-loss plateau?” Stalls are frustrating. You’re cruising along on your Primal or Primal + keto diet, and then wham—you hit a wall. It’s all a totally normal and expected part of the weight loss process....