Gormy: How to Drop 300 Pounds…. Twice!
Mike Gorman, AKA Gormy, struggled with his weight his entire life. From his peak weight of 540 pounds, he is now more than 300 pounds lighter and is mastering maintenance.Powered by WPeMatico...
Mike Gorman, AKA Gormy, struggled with his weight his entire life. From his peak weight of 540 pounds, he is now more than 300 pounds lighter and is mastering maintenance.Powered by WPeMatico...
What are humans actually meant to eat? Today we're here with my new friend, Brian Sanders. He's here to talk about the misinformation in the world of nutrition, and what we should be doing and eating instead.Powered by WPeMatico...
Today's guest is a former junior Australian champion marathon kayaker, and also a high school P.E. teacher who embarked upon a quest to overcome food addiction, anxiety, and depression by eating only potatoes for an entire year.Powered by WPeMatico...
Did you know that on average American women try 61 different diets over the course of their lives? Taking current trends into account, it's predicted that by the year 2030, 85% of Americans will be overweight. To help us sort it all out, we're here today with Eliza Kingsford.Powered by WPeMatico...