
Nichell Delvaille is a Holistic Soul Coach and Reiki Master. She has certifications in Western Herbalism, Kripalu 200HR YTT, Foundations of Ayurveda, Reiki, Restorative Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, and Holistic Life Coaching. She has worked at Whole Foods Market as a Healthy Eating Specialist under the tutelage of plant-based guru Rip Esselstyn. Nichell’s readings are holistic,...

There’s living. And then there’s living with intention. To help us all do that a little bit better, here are a few tips straight from the book, How to Live with Intention by Meera Lester, which is a real-life guide to infusing daily activities with purpose, helping you to improve your sense of peace, gratitude and health, and eliminate thoughts...