Kettlebell & Flow

Build strength, burn fat and increase mobility in record time with this combination of innate body weight movements and kettlebell training.If you're of a "certain age," you'll remember the Reece’s commercial when a man bumps into a woman on the street and accidentally jams his entire chocolate bar into her weirdly open jar of peanut butter, thereby creating the most delicious flavor combo on the...

Try this full-body kettlebell and bodyweight flow workout.If you’ve been following along with our kettlebell and flow series, you’re probably itching to try it out for yourself — after all, you’ve learned the seven bodyweight-flow benefits, discovered that these techniques can allow you to ditch the crunches for good while still rocking great abs, and...

Meet one half of the instructor team for Oxygen’s Kettlebell & Flow course.Venus Lau, 39, is thrilled to bring her love of movement to Oxygen’s Kettlebell & Flow course. As a certified trainer, coach, yoga teacher and fitness model, Lau’s movement style is influenced by such practices as Animal Flow, yoga, calisthenics and primal movement....

Sure, you’ll burn fat and calories — but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Just because the gym is filled with free weights, squat racks, Smith machines, bench presses, cables and pulleys, and countless other pieces of equipment doesn’t mean you actually need any of them to improve your fitness. While these tools are a...

Put down the dumbbells and grab their cannonball-like cousins for your next compound-movement workout.Kettlebell & Flow coaches Marcus Martinez and Venus LauIf you’ve spent some time in the gym, you’ve no doubt seen (and probably participated in) a few basic kettlebell exercises — the conventional swing, single-leg deadlifts and maybe a farmer’s walk. But kettlebells...