Mental Health

It’s been a long time since I published the Definitive Guide to Fish Oils. Oh sure, here and there I’ve cited some research supporting the beneficial effects of fish fat, but it almost goes without saying that omega-3s are important. Everyone knows it. Even the most curmudgeonly, conventional wisdom-spouting, statin script-writing, lifestyle modification-ignoring doc will tell...

You can “hack” a lot of your health, diet, and lifestyle. You can cook the entire week’s meals ahead of time, buy high-quality prepackaged foods and ready-to-cook meals, cover your nutritional bases with smart supplementation. You can condense your training time by choosing the right exercises and upping the intensity to a sufficient level. You...

Humans are a tribal species. We form alliances, align ourselves along ethnic, familial, religious, and cultural lines. Still, for the vast majority of people, “tribal” carries a negative connotation. Bitter partisan politics, ethnic genocides, religious wars, and the long history of bigotry make that connotation almost unavoidable. But I don’t think tribal in its true...

Even after I fixed my diet, ditched the chronic cardio, and cleaned up my overall lifestyle to be more in line with our evolutionary upbringing, one big problem remained: my response to stress. This had always been an issue for me. Part of it was that I kept a full plate at all times. Whether it...

Both fasting and carb-restriction appear to operate along similar physiological pathways. Both lower carbs. Both increase fat-adaptation. Both have the potential to get you into ketosis. Both lower insulin and blood sugar. But is one better than the other? Are there certain scenarios in which an intermittent fasting protocol works better than a low-carb diet, and...

Sometimes your end fitness goal isn’t as valuable as the sacrifices and lessons learned along the way — and that’s just fine.Goal setting is such a double-edged sword. I love to set goals — attainable, measurable, valuable ways to track progress in the gym and in life. Checking milestones off my list feels amazing, whether...