
Exciting news! Our new Wild Challenge app is finally ready and is available for Android and Apple devices! Get started with the 14-Day Wild Paleo Challenge complete with menus, recipes, shopping lists, tracking tools, giveaways, leaderboards, and more.Powered by WPeMatico...

Combining red peppers and chickpeas creates a tag-team effect that helps boost energy levels. As two major sources of folate, combining red peppers and chickpeas creates a tag-team effect that helps boost energy levels. Chickpeas are one of the richest whole-food sources of folate, but a one-cup serving still falls short of meeting your daily needs....

Looking for something to keep you feeling full? Turn to fiber. Here’s an apple shake that provides almost half your daily needs. Bulk up, belly down! Aim for 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day from fruits and vegetables. On a daily basis, most North American women get only about half the recommended amount. This...