Nutrition News

Break your coping mechanism that sends you straight to the fridge. Your job, family commitments and other stresses collide into a great big bundle of stress. Forty-three percent of Americans say stress causes them to either overeat or choose unhealthy foods, according to a poll done by the American Psychological Association. “Food and the act of...

According to research, your cheese addiction is not your fault.According to recent statistics, the average American downs 11 pounds of cheese in a year. That’s a lotta cheddar. But this urge to glut might not (totally) be your fault.According to research, your cheese addiction is not your fault.Cheese contains casein, which has been shown to...

Avoid the sidelines with this research-backed nutritional swap.If you’re a runner, you probably know that uh-oh feeling that makes you dash for the nearest bathroom (or bush!). Runners should consider swapping high FODMAP foods for low ones.Bloating and stomach cramps can sideline even the best of us at times. However, a study published in the Journal of the International Society of...