
I’m not a big app guy, instead preferring to keep a loose running tally of how I’m eating, training, and living, but my understanding is that kids these days love smartphone apps. Besides, I often forget that not everyone lives and breathes this stuff. Not everyone geeks out over all the minutiae and maintains an...

You wanna hear a secret that I wish someone had told me 10 years ago? Being comfortable working out in a sports bra (without a shirt on) is less about abs than it is about attitude. via GIPHY This is something I’ve been learning over the course of the summer — as I ditch the...

These days we’ve got trackers that monitor, well, just about everything: steps, workouts, heart rate, sleep, your dog’s activity … (We are truly living in the future.) via GIPHY And now we can add another thing to that trackable list (and it’s pretty darn cool): mindfulness. Yep, by monitoring breathing patterns that indicate periods of tension,...