
These days we’ve got trackers that monitor, well, just about everything: steps, workouts, heart rate, sleep, your dog’s activity … (We are truly living in the future.) via GIPHY And now we can add another thing to that trackable list (and it’s pretty darn cool): mindfulness. Yep, by monitoring breathing patterns that indicate periods of tension,...

Can good productivity habits contribute to other good habits, like eating well and getting outdoors? Today, we have a special Q&A bonus episode where I’ll be sharing one of my favorite tools that has helped me since I was an overachieving pre-teen, and continues to pay big dividends in productivity and in art to this...

Today’s show is someone you’ve seen around here before. Mark Divine is an expert around human performance when it comes to mental toughness, leadership, and being a physically ready for anything.Powered by WPeMatico...

The choices you make at the kitchen table now have a marked impact on how you think, how you age, and your risk of mental dysfunction in the future. Don’t miss this one!Powered by WPeMatico...