
Ever been told that you’re “too sensitive” or “too emotional” or that you need “real facts to support a feeling” at work? Yeah, you’re not alone. Amy Stanton (founder of Stanton & Co, a company built to promote female athletes) and Catherine Connors (former EIC of wrote a entire book — The Feminine Revolution...

I’ve been doing the gluten-free thing for more than five years now. via GIPHY Which also means that I’ve been baking gluten-free holiday treats for more than five years now. via GIPHY In that time, I’ve had some massive gluten-free holiday baking successes. via GIPHY And, some epically bad baking failures. via GIPHY And, I’ve...

The ability to recover quickly after a binge is absolutely essential to success in building and maintaining a healthy body (and mind). And once you realize that an occasional binge isn’t the end of the world, you can even use the extra energy to your advantage.Powered by WPeMatico...