Livestream Q&A: How To Burn Fat During the Holidays, Sleep Well & Accidentally Write a Book
You're about to hear my take on beer, wine and alcohol (especially during the holidays), overeating issues, what to do when you see all the sweets at parties this time of year, how to accidentally write a book, censorship on social media, and even the future of virtual reality.Powered by WPeMatico...
03:00 /
Abel James / abel jams / able james / alcohol / Apple / ask me anything / avoiding sweets / beer / binge eating / censorship / christmas / cookies / Episodes / facebook / fat burning man / fat burning man show / Fat-Burning Tips / Featured / future / future greens / holiday / holidays / how to write a book / livestream / livestream q&a / meag omegas / Mens Health / overeating / Paleo / Podcasts / q&a / questions / sleep / social media / Supplements / sweets / thanksgiving / The Wild Diet / videos / virtual reality / wild diet / wild superfoods / wine / writing a book / youtube