Dr. Chelsea Axe’s Workout Playlist

Dr. Chelsea Axe’s Workout Playlist

The right kind of music can help you finish your workout strong, even when motivation is weak!

Let’s be real. We don’t always feel motivated to work out. I even go through seasons when I don’t feel like working out at all! During those times, it’s important for me to discern whether I’m physically tired, mentally tired, in need of a break or in need of movement. On days when I simply feel less motivated, I turn to music for an extra push.

Music can be a powerful tool in elevating your mindset and mood. For this reason, it’s important to be intentional when choosing what you listen to while you train. Songs get stuck in my head very easily. This stands out to me, as I firmly believe that words are powerful in altering the way we feel and how we perceive the world, whether we’re fully aware of it or not.

I try to choose songs of which I have no problem singing the lyrics throughout the day, knowing that those words are creating the environment that I want. Uplifting and empowering songs are especially useful when engaging in metabolic fitness routines like the circuits Jamie Eason Middleton has created for The 60-Day Metabolic Reset! In my opinion, you need music to help motivate you to give it your all and to not give up when your muscles start to burn, which they absolutely will!

My Typical Workout Schedule

I typically lift weights three to four days per week and focus on large muscle groups like legs, posterior chain, back and chest. Other days, I’ll add in some hot vinyasa yoga. I’ve found this to be a great accompaniment to weight training to maintain mobility with my strength. I’ve also started taking SculptHouse classes about once a week, especially on days when I’m not feeling it and just need someone else to push me. I’m not a fan of cardio, but I have found that I enjoy doing quick 20-minute, high-intensity interval training Peloton bike classes two or three times per week to get a good sweat and raise my heart rate!

Since my workouts are pretty versatile, I have a couple of different playlists to share with you.

Songs That Amp Me Up for an Awesome Workout

Recovery-Day Melodies

On recovery days when I practice active stretching or yoga, I pick music that’s a bit slower but still inspirational. This helps me move into my body. I can stay present in what I’m doing and not check out, even though the activity at hand doesn’t necessarily require my full focus.

If you’re looking to break the cycle of fad dieting, you’ve come to the right place! The 60-Day Metabolic Reset is designed to rev your metabolism, burn fat and build muscle — all in the comfort of your own home! With workouts that can be modified for every fitness level and a nutrition menu that can be maintained forever, this is more than just a fitness challenge. It’s a health and fitness game changer created by two of the top professionals in the industry— Jamie Eason Middleton and Dr. Chelsea Axe —to help you adopt a lifestyle that will reap consistent results from the moment you start!

So what are you waiting for? Make 2020 the year you finally burn the stubborn fat, break through plateaus, build lean muscle and rev up your metabolism — for good! Join The 60-Day Metabolic Reset today! 

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