Get to Know: Coach Venus Lau, NASM-CPT

Get to Know: Coach Venus Lau, NASM-CPT

Meet one half of the instructor team for Oxygen’s Kettlebell & Flow course.

Venus Lau, 39, is thrilled to bring her love of movement to Oxygen’s Kettlebell & Flow course. As a certified trainer, coach, yoga teacher and fitness model, Lau’s movement style is influenced by such practices as Animal Flow, yoga, calisthenics and primal movement. Since 2007, she has been helping clients harness the power of body-mind-soul connection to achieve their fitness goals. Originally from San Angelo, Texas, she is now based in Santa Monica, California, and teaches at workshops and private retreats around the world. We sat down with Lau to find out more about what makes her tick.

Q: How would your friends describe you?

A: Playful, curious and intense.

Q: Why is health and fitness a passion of yours?

A: It has always been a way for me to express myself. It’s been proven that body language is the No. 1 way we actually communicate — more so than verbally. Our bodies speak loudly, but sometimes we just don’t listen. I was a quiet kid, so sports and exercise were not only a way for me to de-stress but also a way to learn and receive positive feedback. I believe health and fitness is truly the perfect path to feeling connected to yourself, and nothing feels more empowering than that!

Q: What struggles have you overcome, and how have they helped you achieve your goals?

A: I had to overcome a lot of insecurities — for instance, growing up as an Asian in Texas was not easy. Also, I lost both my parents to cancer by the time I was 25. It was definitely rough and I felt all alone, but it brought me to that point where you say, “I want to dust myself off and keep going forward.” One of the things my father told me before he passed away was that I was his next generation and it’s my job to be better and to continue growing. Losing my parents really taught me the lesson of what matters most in life: love for yourself, sharing that love with others and enjoying as much of life as we can each day.

Q: How do you spend your free time?

A: I enjoy learning and growing spiritually, so I listen to audiobooks and watch nerdy documentaries. But I also love me some Netflix and chill nights with my partner! I love being outdoors in nature, whether I’m just relaxing or doing any kind of fun activity. I live for learning and growth, but I can’t do it without having fun and finding connection with myself and others. If it’s not fun, I try to find a fun way.

Q: What motivates you?

A: Gratitude for being able to share my passion for movement for a living and the love I have for the people in my life. When I experience laughter, kindness or fun, I just want more of it!

Q: What tips do you have for living a healthy lifestyle?

A: Everything in moderation — even moderation. I eat healthy 90 percent of the time, and I eat what I want the other 10 percent of the time. Move every day. Get sleep, sunshine, hydration, gratitude and laughter daily. Give kindness, hugs, high-fives and love daily. Find your tribe of friends that support you and appreciate your weirdness. Be curious about most things you come across in life because there’s always more beyond the surface. Relax and trust yourself. Be honest with yourself — sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s easy, be OK with either.

Q: Tell us something surprising that nobody would guess about you.

I initially moved to LA to be a comedy writer.

Q: What is your health philosophy?

Get strong at every angle. Move daily to live awesome. Breathe mindfully.

Q: What advice would you give your younger self?

Train to connect to yourself body-mind-soul. Nothing will be more empowering than what you already have within yourself. Failure is only an opportunity to learn. Trust if you do this, the other goals — like aesthetics or confidence — will be there. Self-mastery is a constant evolution. But don’t take yourself so seriously, enjoy the process.

Looking to challenge your body from multiple angles, including strength, athleticism, balance, mobility, coordination and power? This summer, we are pairing movement specialist and certified trainer Venus Lau with master kettlebell trainer Marcus Martinez for a series of 30-minute Kettlebell & Flow workouts that will train both your mind and body.

So what are you waiting for? This high-octane program designed exclusively for Oxygen is guaranteed to build incredible resilience, strength and body awareness — so switch things up by choosing kettlebells over dumbbells this summer! Join Kettlebell & Flow today.

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