Jamie Eason Middleton: Life Since The Oxygen Challenge 3

Jamie Eason Middleton: Life Since The Oxygen Challenge 3

From juggling two kids, experiencing a devastating house flood and moving four times, Jamie Eason Middleton shares what her life has looked like since OC3.

Boy, does time fly! I can hardly believe that it’s been two and a half years since I coached OC3. It seems like only yesterday that I was so excited for the opportunity to coach you Oxygen ladies! I loved helping you on your journey, and I’m thankful I could be a part of it.

Jamie Eason Middleton, your coach for The 60-Day Metabolic Reset program.

Juggling It All

Even though it was a wonderful time in my life, to be honest, I was a bit stressed back then. I was at home with my then 1- and 4-year-old sons, multitasking what seemed like everything! There were days when I felt like I barely kept my head above water. Maybe you can relate to that feeling? While coaching women is my passion, creating a program, keeping myself in shape and taking care of two toddlers along with a husband and other work obligations felt a bit overwhelming mentally, emotionally and even physically.

I was really proud of how the program turned out, and as I head into this new program — The 60-Day Metabolic Reset — with my now 3- and 6-year-old sons, whom I am currently home-schooling part time along with work, I’m still working hard at times just to keep my head above water.

Life’s Flood

Speaking of water, since OC3, our house flooded in Hurricane Harvey, and we have moved four times, finally settling into the home where we currently live last September. (I’m so very thankful for our home!)

Throughout the moving craziness, I was super tempted to let my fitness and nutrition goals fall by the wayside, but for my sanity, I knew I needed the consistency of eating well and getting exercise. I have come to realize that as a mom, working or not, a house full of crazy is what I like to call “the new normal.”

If I didn’t stay committed to eating well and lifting weights, the progress that once seemed to disappear over a period of months felt like it was disappearing in a matter of weeks. Since I’m over 40, raising kids and sleeping less while juggling work and a household, something in my former routine of meal prep and traditional training splits for workouts had to give.

Just Keep Swimming

I had no choice but to make my workouts more efficient and my food plans involve fewer recipes and more repetition. Thankfully, my husband likes to help in the kitchen and will commit to eating healthy whenever I am. We have come up with consistent food themes for each day of the week so that if I’m unable to grocery shop or cook, my husband has a go-to recipe for dinner.

Our current daily themes are “Meatless Mondays” (usually protein pasta with veggies), “Taco Tuesdays” (using lettuce if mom has to go low-carb), “Whatever Wednesdays” (late work nights mean we fend for ourselves or do leftovers) and “Thankful Thursdays,” which usually involves something with turkey (turkey burger, turkey chili, turkey salad, etc.).

On Friday’s, we have fish (usually salmon or cod with veggies), Saturday’s are “Saucy” (think barbecue sauce or spaghetti sauce) and Sunday’s are “Fun Days,” either eating out or trying a new recipe. These themes have helped take some of the stress away from food planning in our house. Dad feels empowered and mom gets a break.

For workouts, I rarely leave home, so I’ve had to invest in some equipment like a weight bench, a dumbbell rack of weights up to 50 pounds, barbells with weight plates and a pulley system with a Smith-machine attachment for squats. I decided to splurge and treat myself so that I would always feel motivated to get out in our garage and work out.

While I love to design workouts, I am no stranger to a lull in motivation. I think it’s safe to say that it happens to everyone. So coming up with workouts for The 60-Day Metabolic Reset served a purpose twofold: 1. to create a program for Oxygen women with the greatest bang for their buck with minimal equipment; and 2. to create something that I myself could follow, to alleviate the need for brainpower when I want to get serious and stay consistent with my workout routine.

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned throughout my years of training, it’s that even fitness professionals lose motivation at times, so having a program to follow to carry you through is paramount to helping you reach your goals.

My Love for This Program

Once again, I am truly proud of what Dr. Chelsea Axe and I have put together for The 60-Day Metabolic Reset. Our goal is to help you improve your metabolism by using weight training and high-intensity interval training techniques, along with a manageable approach to carb cycling. We hope this program will be a solid plan that you can return to time and again to improve your health and body composition. It would be nice if we had all the time in the world to meal prep and work out, but since we don’t, Chelsea and I have your back!

If you’re looking to break the cycle of fad dieting, you’ve come to the right place! This 60-day total-body reset is specifically designed to rev your metabolism, burn fat and build muscle — all in the comfort of your own home! With workouts that can be modified for every fitness level and a nutrition menu that can be maintained forever, this is more than just a fitness challenge. It’s a health and fitness game changer created by two of the top professionals in the industry — Jamie Eason Middleton and Dr. Chelsea Axe — to help you adopt a lifestyle that will reap consistent results from the moment you start!

So what are you waiting for? Make 2020 the year you finally burn the stubborn fat, break through plateaus, build lean muscle and rev up your metabolism — for good! Join The 60-Day Metabolic Reset today

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