21 Jan Quick Fat-Burning HIIT Workout
If you can spare 12 to 18 minutes, three times a week, you can start your weight-loss plan today with this do-anywhere workout.
This unique high-intensity interval training workout was created exclusively for Oxygen readers by Andy Speer, CSCS, SFG 1, co-owner of Soho Strength Lab, an elite training facility in New York City.
“The two exercises in the plan work almost every muscle in your body, especially legs, glutes, shoulders and abs. These two will torch fat in 12 to 18 minutes,” Speer says.

Hop Switch
From the plank position, bring your right foot to the outside of your right hand. In one motion, switch your feet so your left foot lands on the outside of your left hand and your right foot is extended behind your body. Tip: As you switch legs, push down into the floor with your hands/arms. Lift your hips only enough to move your legs smoothly.
Targets: shoulders, abs, hip flexors, cardiovascular system

Starter Drill
From a standing position, step rearward with your right foot (like a reverse lunge but slightly more extended) and place your right hand on the floor by the inside of your left foot. In one motion, stand tall, bringing your right knee up in front. (For an extra challenge/fat burn, add a small hop at the top of the motion to get slightly airborne.) Return to the bottom position and repeat. Tip: As your back knee drives upward toward the front, swing your opposite hand up with it, as if you were sprinting.
Targets: glutes, hamstrings, quads, cardio
How To Work It
Do the first exercise nonstop for 30 seconds, then rest 30 seconds. Immediately do the second exercise first with your right leg for 30 seconds of activity and 30 seconds of rest, then follow it with your left leg for the same action/rest period. One complete round of both exercises will take three minutes: hop switch 30/30, starter drill right leg 30/30, starter drill left leg 30/30.
Do the HIIT plan two to three times a week. Start by completing four rounds of 12 minutes total. Add a round every few workouts until you are able to do six rounds for a total of 18 minutes.
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