17 Jul Shoulder Mobility: 360-Degree Flex
Integrate these moves into your program to improve flexibility and protect your shoulders from all angles.

The shoulder is a tricky joint because it moves in multiple directions as well as in rotation. Ensuring the joint is mobile both before and after training is key to executing solid lifts and preventing injury. Integrate these moves into your program to improve flexibility and protect your shoulders from all angles.
Arm Circles
Do 10 large arm circles to the front and 10 to the back with each arm. Repeat twice.
Swing your arms open and closed at shoulder height, giving yourself a hug. Change the top arm for each rep. Do 20 reps.
Slow Plate Opener
Lie on your side and hold a 2.5-pound weight plate with your fingers through the hole, arm extended along the floor straight out from your shoulder, palm down. Keeping your arm straight, lift and open it to the side and behind you as far as you can go without twisting and pause. Then lift your hand toward your head and pause. Reverse steps to return to the start. Do eight on each arm.
Preworkout and Postworkout
Banded Shoulder Distraction
Attach a superband to a pull-up bar and loop one hand through the end. Lunge back with the same-side leg with your arm extended and let the band pull it gently up and away. Relax your shoulder and lat as you slowly rotate your palm upward and then downward while keeping your arm extended.
Preworkout: Do 30 seconds on each side.
Postworkout: Do 60 to 90 seconds on each side.
Distracted Twist
Stand up from your shoulder distraction, then turn away from the band anchor toward your working arm so the arm is pulled across your body. Hold and twist toward and away gently, stretching the back side of the joint.
Preworkout: Do 30 seconds on each side.
Postworkout: Do 60 to 90 seconds on each side.
Standing Lacrosse-Ball Roll
Stand in a doorway (or facing the leg of a squat rack). Place the lacrosse ball between the wall and the area where your front delt and pecs meet and lean forward slightly. Roll around until you find an area that is tight, then hold and raise and lower your arm slowly.
Preworkout: Do no more than two minutes per side.
Postworkout: Do two to three minutes, depending on tightness.
Lying Lacrosse-Ball Roll
Lie faceup and place a lacrosse ball between one trap and the floor. Roll up and down, back and forth, pausing when you find tight areas. Move the ball to the area between your shoulder blade and your spine and repeat this process. Do both sides.
Preworkout: Do no more than two minutes per side.
Postworkout: Do two to five minutes, depending on tightness.
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