The Dad Bod Is the New Six-Pack, Planet Fitness Claims

The Dad Bod Is the New Six-Pack, Planet Fitness Claims

Dad Bod is the New Six Pack, Planet Fitness Claims
Graham Monro/Getty

Put down the weights and pick up a beer—more people are finding the dad bod sexier, and some are calling the flabby physique the new six-pack, at least according to Planet Fitness. (Not too surprising from a gym that feeds its members free pizza and bagels).

The corporate gym chain commissioned a survey that found 61 percent of Americans consider the dad bod “sexy,” up from 51 percent last year. Another 51 percent of those polled called it the new six-pack. (It certainly worked for Chris Pratt and Leonardo DiCaprio). 

Kelton Global, a consulting firm, polled more than 2,200 American adults for the survey, the third such one commissioned by Planet Fitness. More men said they were happier with their dad bod this year than in 2018, 79 percent compared to 64. Furthermore, 72 percent of men said the body type improved their life in some way, up from 62 percent last year.

And 46 percent said having a dad bod made them more relaxed. Lastly, 78 percent of men and women said a dad bod was a sign of a man who is confident in his own skin.

Being confident with your body is great, don’t get us wrong. But you also shouldn’t risk your health. A recent study showed that elevated fat deposits in the abdominal area could lead to a higher risk of prostate cancer. So while the dad bod is becoming more acceptable, we think you should still commit to cutting down on that spare tire a bit—whether you’re a father or not.


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