Watch: Joe De Sena Destroys a Pair of Running Shoes to Prove Their Endurance

Watch: Joe De Sena Destroys a Pair of Running Shoes to Prove Their Endurance

Watch: Insane Joe De Sena Destroys a Pair of Running Shoes to Prove their Endurance
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This is a shoo-in for the craziest footwear promo we’ve ever seen. In a YouTube video, Spartan Race CEO and founder Joe De Sena recently pummeled a pair of his new running shoes to show off their durability—and man, can these things take some damage.

De Sena is the founder of the Spartan Race, a series of obstacle courses ranging from three miles to marathon-length distances (and sometimes beyond). Started in Vermont more than 10 years ago, the grueling event—which, depending on the level of difficulty, could see participants carry atlas stones, jump over walls, or crawl under barbed wire—is now held in more than 40 countries. 

Such a tough run requires strong shoes, and the best pair for the job appears to be the Spartan RD Pro by Craft, at least according to De Sena. But he wasn’t content with just saying that, he wanted to prove it, too.

To start, De Sena wears the shoes during a 50-mile run (light work) through “the worst trails in New England.” Although he destroyed his body, he claims, the shoes held up just fine. How else could he test the shoe’s endurance? How about by running them over with a Jeep. Check. And as if that wasn’t enough, he then crushes them with a backhoe and excavator.

Miraculously, the shoes don’t appear to tear during any of the tests De Sena puts them through—even after he submerges them in saltwater overnight and runs the 8-mile Boston Super Spartan in them the next day. De Sena is so confident in the quality of the shoes, he believes the ancient Spartans—yup, like the ones in 300—could’ve defeated the Persians had they worn them. 

We’re not so sure about that, but if you’re looking to put them to the test, it seems like De Sena is guaranteeing the shoes for a year.


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